One of my freelance project to redesign a website for a HVAC business
R & T Services provides heating and air conditioning services throughout the Billings area. They wanted to update their website and increase conversions for their services.
I was the web designer on this project and was tasked with creating wireframes, mockups, and building the website with Divi.
My Role:
Web Design, Web Development, Visual design & Testing
Dec 2019 - March 2020
Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Divi
The client wanted to update their current website to look more modern and appealing to their target audience. I had a lot of creative freedom in visual rebranding of the website.
R & T develops one-of-a-kind creations to fit the unique needs of quality living room renovations. Our pride and integrity show in our works excellence. Our creations are 100% unique. No two customers leave with the same cookie cutter product that competitors try to force on them.
35-60 years old, Top 50% income, and home owners. Looking for financially stable target group that can afford our services and parts.
35-60 years old, Top 50% income, and home owners. Looking for financially stable target group that can afford our services and parts. Needed a website that would draw in people in this target audience.
I found inspiration and did comparative analysis from other HVAC serviced websites.
I started out sketching various my ideas for the layouts with pen and paper for the pages I needed. Then I made low fidelity wireframes in Adobe XD to send to client for feedback and iteration.
I used AdobeXD to produce the high-fidelity mockups where I added the visual colors, typography, and images to send to client for feedback.
The colors I chose were from the orignal logo design and were approved by the client.
I selected only two fonts that were legible and could look appealing to their selected audience.
Click here to view the live website that I built with Divi.
This was one of the first projects that I designed as a freelancer. The process was very streamlined and I learned how to build a website with Divi.